Download my Free Wedding Budget Calculator!
At Race Wedding Videography, I am all about helping couples with their wedding planning. I didn’t start this business just to make money I am here to make a difference. Download my free wedding budget calculator and take the stress out of your wedding planning!
Image: Its time to get wedding planning with the new wedding budget calculator - cue the coffee
A new and free Wedding budget calculator by Race Wedding Videography
Budgeting for a wedding is usually never a simple task! Its generally fraught with stress as the idea of booking various wedding suppliers (that’s after you’ve chosen who you want and who is available of course!) can be a bit mind boggling! Who have I booked again? How much have we paid? How much is owed? When do we pay? How much have we spent overall? What’s the wedding photographers number? I cant find the florists email address…yep, you know!
At Race Wedding Videography we are all about helping couples with their wedding planning. We didn’t start Race Wedding Videography as a business just to make money we are here to make a difference. That’s why we have created an absolutely FREE wedding Budget calculator template for you to download. Its your to keep forever, no catches just a little gift from us that should help take the stress out of your wedding planning. When we looked online at what wedding budget calculators out there, there were some paid for apps, a couple of budgeting tools but we thought we could create something better and free that we could just give away.
Our wedding budget calculator template isn’t necessarily a list of everything you must have, but more so a list of things you might want to have on your wedding day. As we at Race Wedding Videography are all about you planning the wedding you want that is individual to you both not necessarily about planning the wedding everyone thinks you should have! Be bold, be you, be unique - do whatever the hell you want…
Good thing is you can use this free tool as a bit of a to do list too. It will help you at the early stages of wedding planning. It will help you estimate how much each wedding supplier will cost dependant on your needs. It shows and calculates the difference between your estimates vs the actuals, automatically calculating the totals at the bottom - this will help you not go over budget! (maybe). We’ve done all the hard work you just need to input the figures and detail! Your free wedding budget calculator also enables you to make bespoke notes, you can quickly see what deposits you have paid, what balancing payments are due and you can use this as a bit of a wedding supplier address book too.
Reasons to download Race Wedding Videography’s new wedding budget calculator
Free & simple to use
Take the stress out of wedding planning
Estimates vs actual
Totals calculator so you don’t go over budget!
Make notes so you don’t forget anything
Use as your own wedding supplier list and contact info for each supplier
See in an instant what deposits you have paid
Plan you balancing payment
All your financial budgeting and planning in one place
No need to waste hours creating your own budget calculator - its already made ready for you!
Image: Make your wedding planning easier with our new FREE wedding budget calculator so budgeting for things like a gorgeous wedding dress or wedding videographer is a lot simpler!
How To download your Free Wedding Budget Calculator in 3 easy steps
1. Hit the download box below
2. You can then save your wedding budget calculator
3. The Excel template spreadsheet is all set ready to go, you just need to input the figures and detail! Right get cracking - there is wedding that needs planning