Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please for…The Ten Most Important Things You Need To Know About Wedding Speeches….. It’s a fact that no wedding day is complete without the speeches. It’s essential that you think about them and plan them from the start. Why wouldn’t you? They are an opportunity for saying thank you, for saying romantic things, funny things and of course, for saying ‘I love you’. Awwww…..Check out our wedding checklist of the when, who, what and why of wedding speeches and download our FREE Ultimate guide to Wedding Speeches to help plan your upcoming wedding speech!
Just engaged? Getting married soon? Got married years ago but want to get into the wedding vibe? Race Wedding Videography has created the ‘Greatest wedding songs of all time’ Spotify playlist, so start singing at the tops of your voices - ‘Goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get married’ and hear some of the most iconic songs we associate with weddings whether it be from our favourite Hollywood wedding films, songs to walk down the aisle to or first dance songs, we’ve got it covered! Lets check it out…
To make sure your wedding day runs as smoothly as you’ve dreamed it, you’ll need to plan it in detail. You’re going to need a wedding schedule. Take a look at these ten tips to create the ultimate wedding day schedule and download our FREE Wedding Schedule tool…..
It could be that you’re at the early stages of planning, or you’re possibly a way down the ‘wedmin’ checklist already, but be very clear about one thing; there has to be someone to conduct the wedding. Someone has to marry you two. Legally. One of your key questions now must be - how to book a registrar for a wedding? Let’s look at the essential checklist - The Ultimate Guide on How to Book a Wedding Registrar.
To make sure you are not ‘dreading your wedding’ admin we’ve put a simple guide together to help you book a wedding videographer that’s right for you and your wedding, turning your hours of website looking into booking. We look at all the wedding videography questions and things you should be thinking about…
Getting married in Norfolk, Suffolk or Essex and thinking about a wedding film? Race Wedding Videography now offers free Wedding Videography Q&A sessions on ZOOM. I understand that you will have many questions about wedding videography, so let’s grab a coffee, relax and get all your questions answered in a FREE 30-minute ZOOM session!
At Race Wedding Videography, I am all about helping couples with their wedding planning. I didn’t start this business just to make money I am here to make a difference. Download my free wedding budget calculator and take the stress out of your wedding planning!
There will always be room for some tradition in a wedding. Getting married is a tradition. But right now, over and above something old, new, borrowed and blue, there’s a whole bunch of bright ideas out there to bring your wedding date right up to date. In a world where a bride can walk the aisle in a wedding dress made from a fibre optic fabric, with LEDs changing its colour with her steps, we bring you six tech savvy suggestions for your special day.
When it comes to planning your day, where you get married is possibly the biggest decision you’ll have to make. Compared to a generation ago the choice is vast. Here are ten top tips to consider as you start to put your wedding plans in place.
This is a common question asked by many Norfolk & Suffolk brides and is often asked at Race Wedding Videography Q&A sessions. Questions such as will the vicar allow filming? Will we need any licenses to be allowed to film the ceremony? When we looked online there aren’t a lot of resources or info on this subject so on that note … let’s take a look!