6 top tips for a tech-savvy wedding
Image 6 top tips for a tech-savvy wedding by Race Wedding Videography
There will always be room for some tradition in a wedding. Getting married is a tradition. But right now, over and above something old, new, borrowed and blue, there’s a whole bunch of bright ideas out there to bring your wedding date right up to date. In a world where a bride can walk the aisle in a wedding dress made from a fibre optic fabric, with LEDs changing its colour with her steps, we bring you six tech savvy suggestions for your special day.
Image 6 top tips for a tech-savvy wedding by Race Wedding Videography
1 . Your own wedding e-mail
To be honest there’s an irony here. One of the real benefits of having your own, dedicated, wedding email is that you won’t get bombarded …….with wedding e mails. Well, you still will in fact, but they will all come to one place. Your wedding e mail place. So now you’ll have the twin joys of not having your day to day work or personal inboxes rammed with wedding stuff, and you’ll have a well organised, central, wedding information resource. You can focus on the work e mails without interruption and concentrate exclusively on wedding matters when you want to. Which is most of the time. Be honest.
Some people are setting up wedding e mail accounts from the moment they get engaged. If that sounds scarily organised think about it. Because it makes a lot of sense.
The tech side of things is easy. You’re probably up to speed with the whole ‘click on create account’ or ‘add account’ thing. You might want to think about the name you give the account or address though. Keep it short and simple. You’re going to need to remember it and pass it on a lot. Keep it sensible. Some hilarious - and probably slightly rude - idea you have over a glass or two of wedding planning wine might well prove to be something you’ll regret.
But set it up and use it as the address you give to suppliers, wedding venues, shops and even the registrar and of course it can be the RSVP for wedding invitations.
Image 6 top tips for a tech-savvy wedding by Race Wedding Videography
2. Your own wedding website
So whilst we’re in the world of wedding communications it is but one small step from e mail to website. Your own wedding website might sound like a big deal but it’s not that difficult to set up and it is such a good idea.
You’ve probably noticed by now that arranging a wedding poses a lot of questions. Aside from the big one that is. But you’ve done that bit. Which is why you’re here. It’s just that nowadays there is so much information that you want to give, and guests and need to know. Time was that a few pages of typed up and printed out A4 added in to the wedding invitation envelope was both the cutting edge of tech and enough to convey all the details. But that’s not going to cut it anymore. And it’s not saving trees and the planet either.
With your own website, the address of which you can issue from your dedicated wedding e mail ( see how this is all coming together? So clever!) you can create a single, eco friendly place to tell everyone everything. That’s the venue and date (obviously!) and nearby accommodation, taxi companies, gift list details, contact numbers…….the whole works.
There are templates and suppliers out there who can create your wedding website in a few clicks.
You can use the design to hint at the look and theme of your wedding. You can do loads with it. And, just like your dedicated e mail address, it will keep communications fast, friendly and far easier than a ceaseless string of texts and dm’s.
www.your wedding is the way to go.
Image 6 top tips for a tech-savvy wedding by Race Wedding Videography
3. Digital Wedding Invitations
You’re going to love this idea. Or these ideas, because there are several things to cover here.
First off, if you want to go with paper invitations there are now well established processes and suppliers for ordering them, and designing them, online.
Next up there are lots of options for online wedding invitations. Some of these include RSVP tracking. (That’s not as dark as it sounds). You can create unique designs, or work from existing templates. They are cost efficient and an online wedding invitation is a very green option.
Then comes the next stage. We’re talking augmented reality. Yes. Really. ‘AR’ has been much vaunted but it is becoming a reality. Or Augmented Reality, if you see what we mean. It’s loaded with unexpected benefits. How many times is the wedding day the first time some people actually meet the bride or groom? With AR you can introduce yourselves before the day. By recording a short video, usually about a minute, and sending it off to be incorporated into the wedding invitation, you create something very special. Recipients hold their smartphone over the card and there you are - the two of you talking to them. The invitations can be paper or digital. Think of the implications for guests from overseas. Travel might be a problem just now but things will settle. And you’ll be able to tell friends and relatives everything they need to know - and invite them ‘personally’ wherever they are in the world.
Image 6 top tips for a tech-savvy wedding by Race Wedding Videography
4. Plan the table plan with a Table Plan App
Right, so the wedding venue is sorted, the wedding invitations have been sent out - possibly digitally because you’re very tech savvy - and the wedding dresses, and wedding suits for the men, are all arranged. It’s all coming together. But now comes a challenge. It’s time for the table plan. Brace yourself.
But wait. Help is at hand. Now we have wedding table plan Apps. There is no irony in telling you that the place to start looking is online. Naturally. And do look around because there are a few table planning Apps out there now. And look closely because some Apps are designed to plan more than just the seating. You might want to explore them. Although you’ll find plenty of help here on our site. It had to be said.
The main point is you need a table plan App on your ‘phone. Now. You’ll be able to create seating charts, decide how many tables, and what shape tables, and how many people sit at each table. And here’s the thing, you can drag guests on to each table (that sounds wrong but you know what we mean) and deal with all sorts of issues that used to take so much time and, sometimes, tears. Think about placing compatible guests, grouping guests with children, or not. Sorting out dietary issues.
You can link it all to your wedding website, import contacts, tag guests. OK, you’re sensing that we’re enthusiastic. You will be too. Download. Now.
Image 6 top tips for a tech-savvy wedding by Race Wedding Videography
5. The Wedding Countdown Apps
Just go Google them. That’s our start point advice because there is a wide choice. But, for the technically aware ( we didn’t like to say geek - it’s your day) the countdown App is great. One click and you’ve got the timescale laid out in front of you. It’s both exciting and reassuring.
These Apps can measure the time in years, months, weeks - down to hours and seconds. One of them at least offers the facility to measure the remaining time in kisses. No, we don’t know how that actually works either. But it sounds lovely. The Apps are available for Apple and Android usage, they’re easy to programme, and they’re ……fun. And good management. And fun….
Image: 6 top tips for a tech savvy wedding by Race Wedding Videography
Image: 6 top tips for a tech savvy wedding by Race Wedding Videography
6. The Wedding Video Book
Shameless self promotion warning. The Race Wedding Videography ‘Wedding Video Books’ are fast becoming a matrimonial must have. This is where the traditional wedding album has gone to and it’s all the better for it. Now, technology gives you a window into your wedding day in a way you’ve never had before.
Working with the creative footage we will have shot throughout your day we can produce something very special. You’ll have a book that’s as tactile as a traditional album but magical because of today’s technology. Our Wedding Video Books are proving popular not just as souvenirs for you, but also as gifts for parents, and guests, on the day and at anniversaries. This is your forever day captured for the future. Forever.
Wedding Videography Technology by Race Wedding Videography
So this tech isn’t the tech that you need in order to help plan your wedding however, this question does come up a lot, and it’s not surprising, because putting myself in your shoes planning a wedding and looking for a wedding videographer, you will wonder ‘ well,what equipment does a wedding videographer have on our wedding day?’’ Well, I am here to help with all of your Wedding Videography Tech questions! Click book a free wedding videography Q&A below!